Because our film revolves around the found footage of Eliza and Spencer's love story, our trailers include scenes from that found footage that Spencer had recorded prior to his death. After putting all of our scenes together into imovie and editing/tweaking clips and audio, Isabella and I watched our trailer a couple of times through and realized something was missing.
We concluded that there were 2 things that were weakinging our trailers. First of all, we hadn't created the static clips we were planning to use as a transition, and second of all, the clips in the trailer that are meant to be part of the found footage did not look like they were filmed an an old camera. After realizing that, we instantly began to create our own static transitions!
Isabella and I watched a tutorial video on how to create static screens but realized that all tutorials were completed on Adobe Premiere Pro, not iMovie. I told Isabella that I have a student adobe account with access to all adobe products but did not know how to use Premiere pro, but after watching a few basic tutorials on YouTube, I started getting the hang of things.
After playing around with Premire Pro and following a tutorial that we found on YouTube, we created our own static screens. Check it out below!
Now that we solved our first issue, we were now faced with our second obstacle, the found footage scenes. So we began to question ourselves, how do we make it seem like we filmed those scenes on an old camera?
Well, since we found a tutorial on how to create a static effect on YouTube, we figured, why not search how to create an old camera footage look? Due to poor wording in our search, we found around 15 different tutorials on how to create this effect. Without hesitation, we watched all 15 tutorials and all that was ledt to do was follow one of them and create the old camera effect on all of our found footage scenes.
Isabella and I decided to follow the tutorial below and created, what I believe is, a masterpiece!
After following this tutorial step by step for each found footage clip, we then began to re-insert the clips into iMovie to finish our trailers. Finally, we had found what was missing! Here's a look at an example of a found footage clip with the effect from the above tutorial. Enjoy!
As you can see, editing isn't always easy! Sometimes, editing may be one of the most tedious and hardest parts of production. Luckily, Isabella and I were able to work together and conquer the editing beast!
Until next time,
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